Saturday, December 24, 2011


The Entire Month of January

By the time January 1, 2011 arrived we were broke.  Financially, physically, emotionally, mentally, and almost spiritually bankrupt.

Randy and I thought if we could just make it until the birth of our daughter things would be better.  When Christina arrived it would be joyous and the fire would not be so close.

Oh…how wrong was I.  Little did I know the heat would be turned up so hot it would be next to impossible to handle what we were about to go through.

I remember crying out to the Lord on my hands and knees one week after Christina was born begging the Lord to make it stop.  Nothing was going right.  Major plumbing issues, John extremely sick, no money, Christina was admitted to the hospital, my Mom got pneumonia, and me – almost dying.

At the time I knew it was bad but I didn’t realize how bad until I look back. 

I can say this without question….

The one constant in all this chaos was Christ.  He never left my side - I thought He did…but He didn’t.  Christ is the one who got me & my family through January.

This month made me stronger.  It also brought me to a new level with Christ and strengthened our relationship.

Would I want to go through that again?


But the refining was worth it.

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