Saturday, March 9, 2013

Homeschool- Part One

When I was pregnant with John, Randy made all sorts of new rules and standards of how we were going to raise our son.  Randy said John would never sleep with us, we would have to have at least one weekend every month without John, at least two weeks out of the year we would go on vacation without John, all doctor visits would be up too me, John would be homeschooled, and we had to have a date night every week.

Once John was born I took over and embraced the role of Motherhood.  I really didn’t ask Randy to do anything except run little errands for me…the “rules” had been laid out before hand.  I was okay with whatever Randy wanted because the desire of my heart had been answered.  What I didn’t expect was the heart transplant that occurred in Randy on that hot August afternoon in 2007.  I first noticed in the delivery room when they placed that big beautiful baby boy in his arms.  I have never seen Randy’s face looked like it did…it was so sweetly amazing.  IMG_0033The next two weeks after John’s birth we were getting into a routine.  Randy was very good at helping me…then one afternoon as I was about to give John his bottle Randy looked at me and asked “can I give him the bottle?” IMG_0112IMG_0113Everything changed that day.  Randy went from being a Father to becoming a Daddy.  I will never forget Randy looking at me and saying “these things are so cool…when can we have another one?”  And shortly after that day I overheard Randy tell someone “I expected to love my son but I didn’t expect to be “in love” with him”

Randy & John seriously became inseparable.  All the “rules, standards, and the way things are going to be” went out the front door.  Except the homeschool thing.IMG_0246IMG_0276IMG_0488I really thought the “homeschool” thing would be an after thought.  I mean, everything else did.  Randy and I have NEVER left John overnight expect one time when he was about 18 months old and it was Valentine’s/my birthday.  We let John stay with my folks but neither one of us got any sleeping because we were wondering what John was doing…was he sleeping, was he keeping Mama & PaPa up – it just didn’t feel right.  And now everything we do we want our little hares with us.  Oh…and Pediatrician visits?!?  Randy goes EVERYTIME! 

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