Thursday, May 27, 2010

Now this....

It's the end of the world.....

First it was earthquakes, then the floods, then tornados, massive fires, strange & out of control weather, a horrible health-care bill that will tax us all to death and now this.....vivanashvegas-279834513-1274915169  Willie has cut his hair.vivanashvegas-602571828-1274915169 All am saying is...things in this world are just not right.



Laurie said...

Ha, I just had a conversation about Willie cutting his hair last week. Both I and my friend agreed it would never happen, lol. Guess it is the end of the world.

Janine Deckard said...

There is now a rip in the space time continuum. I could have gone the rest of my life without knowing that. Dang.

Andy said...

Oh.Dear.Lord. This world IS outa control!