Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Helpful Hint!

We always cook our baked potatoes in the microwave.  John loves them so I find myself cooking them all the time!  I found this helpful hint and wanted to pass it along.

After you clean the potato poke several holes in the potato with a fork then make legs for the potato from toothpicks.  This helps cook it evenly without any dry or hard spots.IMG_6367Then wrap a warm moist paper towel around and under the potato and cook 7-10 minutes depending the size.

IMG_6368Perfect EVERYTIME! IMG_6370




Linda said...

Cool! I knew about the fork part, but not the rest. I'm even lazier and buy the potatoes wrapped in plastic that are ready to go in the oven.

TexasMeurers said...

Thanks for the tip. I love baked potatoes but I don't like to wait very long for them so end up eating mashed.

Andy said...

I eat a ton of baked potatoes, and I never knew this! Tried it the last 2 times and it's been perfect. You rawk!!